Voice change Present Continuous Tense
AV: S+am/is/are+V+ing+O
PV: O+am/is/are+being+V3+by+S
I am writing a letter.
A letter is being written by me.
She is singing songs.
Songs are being sung by her.
She is burning those letters.
Those letters are being burnt by her.
We are buying tickets.
Tickets are being bought by us.
They are selling this bicycle.
This bicycle is being sold by them.
I am learning this poem by heart.
This poem is being learned by me by heart.
Mosquitoes are biting me.
I am being bitten by mosquitoes.
The children are pulling his shirt.
His shirt is being pulled by the children.
He is reading the book.
The book is being read by him.
I am eating an apple.
An apple is being eaten by me.
He is printing books.
Books are being printed by him.
They are liking cricket.
Cricket is being liked by them.
He is posting the letter.
The letter is being posted by him.
I am calling the roll.
The roll is being called by me.
They are chasing the dogs.
The dogs are being chased by them.
They are flying kites.
Kites are being flown by them.
He is drawing water from the well.
Water is being drawn by him from the well.
She is learning this poem by heart.
This poem is being learned by her by heart.
He is writing a letter.
A letter is being written by him.
They are singing a song.
A song is being sung by them.
I am reading the book.
The book is being read by me.
He is selling milk.
Milk is being sold by him.
We are eating mangoes.
Mangoes are being eaten by us.
I am helping her.
She is being helped by me.
They are learning this poem.
This poem is being learned by them.
We are closing doors.
Doors are being closed by us.
They are buying books.
Books are being bought by them.
My teacher is marking my answer book.
My answer book is being marked by my teacher.
He is looking at us.
We are being looked at by him.
She is spelling many words wrongly.
Many words are being spelled by her wrongly.
They are offering prayers.
Prayers are being offered by them.
We are serving her these days.
She is being served by us these days.
- They are not helping me.
- I am not being helped by them.
- He is not blaming me.
- I am not being blamed by him.
- He is not telling a lie.
- A lie is not being told by him.
- She is not reading the newspaper.
- The newspaper is not being read by her.
- They are not sowing those seeds today.
- Those seeds are not being sown by them today.
- They are not eating sweets.
- Sweets are not being eaten by them.
- You are not praising them.
- They are not being praised by you.
- She is not boiling eggs.
- Eggs are not being boiled by her.
- You are not speaking the truth.
- The truth is not being spoken by you.
- The teacher is not marking us absent.
- We are not being marked absent by the teacher.
- They are not feeding this lion today.
- This lion is not being fed by them today.
- You are not ringing the bell.
- The bell is not being rung by you.
- You are not boiling eggs.
- Eggs are not being boiled by you.
- They are not calling in the doctor.
- The doctor is not being called in by them.
- We are not importing wheat.
- Wheat is not being imported by us.