Active Voice: S+V+O
Passive Voice: O+am/is/are+V3+by+S
1. I break a cup.
A cup is broken by me.
2. My mother beats me.
I am beaten by my mother.
3. My mother loves me.
I am loved by my mother.
4. We speak the truth.
The truth is spoken by us.
5. You boil eggs.
Eggs are boiled by you.
6. They eat apples.
Apples are eaten by them.
7. They read this book every day.
This book is read by them every day.
8. You praise her very much.
She is praised by you very much
9. He kills a snake.
A snake is killed by him.
10. We play football in the afternoon.
Football is played by us in the afternoon.
11. I learn this poem by heart.
This poem is learned by me by heart.
12. He boils eggs.
Eggs are boiled by him.
13. They make a noise.
A noise is made by them.
14. My father punishes me.
I am punished by my father.
15. We play the match.
The match is played by us.
16. He checks tickets.
Tickets are checked by him.
17. They break locks.
Locks are broken by them.
18. Her mother beats her.
She is beaten by her mother.
19. She milks the cow.
The cow is milked by her.
20. He writes these letters.
These letters are written by him.
21. They sing a song.
A song is sung by them.
22. She eats apples.
Apples are eaten by her.
23. He learns this poem by heart.
This poem is learned by him by heart.
24. He buys these apples.
These apples are bought by him.
25. He sells tickets.
Tickets are sold by him.
26. They eat apples.
Apples are eaten by them.
27. He sees the moon.
The moon is seen by him.
◇We read the Holy Quran in the morning every day.
The Holy Quran is read by us in the morning every day
◇She helps them.
They are helped by her.
◇I hear her cries even now.
Her cries are heard by me even now.
◇She writes a letter.
A letter is written by her.
◇We play football.
Football is played by us.
◇They buy beautiful books.
Beautiful books are bought by them.
◇She hates him.
He is hated by her.
◇We obey our parents.
Our parents are obeyed by us.
◇He writes a letter to his mother.
A letter is written by him to his mother.
◇He calls you names.
You are called names by him.
For Negative Sentence
Active Voice: S+do/does+not+V+O
Passive Voice: O+am/is/are+not+V3+by+S
She does not tell a lie.
A lie is not told by her.
She does not wash my clothes.
My clothes are not washed by her.
I do not teach them English.
They are not taught English by me.
English is not taught to them by me.
They do not break toys.
Toys are not broken by them.
We do not like sweets.
Sweets are not liked by us.
I do not call the roll.
The roll is not called by me.
He does not teach them English.
They are not taught English by him.
English is not taught to them by him.
I do not tell a lie.
A lie is not told by me.
I do not punish them.
They are not punished by me.
You do not speak the truth.
The truth is not spoken by you.
We do not play football in the morning.
Football is not played by us in the morning.
We do not sell these books.
These books are not sold by us.
You do not write a letter to him.
A letter is not written by you to him.
She does not pluck flowers.
Flowers are not plucked by her.
They do not beat me.
I am not beaten by them.
He does not like this house.
This house is not liked by him.
My brother does not occupy those rooms.
Those rooms are not occupied by my brother.
Interrogative Sentence
AV: Do/does+S+V+O
PV: Am/is/are+O+V3+by+S
Do you sell potatoes?
Are potatoes sold by you?
Do you draw a map of Pakistan?
Is a map of Pakistan drawn by you?
Does he sing the song?
Is the song sung by him?
Do we help them in every way?
Are they helped by us in every way?
Do you polish your shoes yourself?
Are your shoes polished by you?
Does she see the moon?
Is the moon seen by her?
Do they call us by name?
Are we called by them by name?
Does he pull the chain?
Is the chain pulled by him?
Does she pluck flowers?
Are flowers plucked by her?
Does the policeman stop me?
Am I stopped by the policeman?
Do they dislike me?
Am I disliked by them?
Does his father punish him?
Is he punished by his father?
Does she pluck these flowers?
Are these flowers plucked by her?
Does he select me for this post?
Am I selected by him for this post?
Does she scold him?
Is he scolded by her?